jobs & career | 4PL Intermodal GmbH
9th June 2024

Handelsblatt SWI-report – 4PL is one of the best national IT-employers in 2024

I’m sitting in Helsinki at a consortium meeting of our European project ReMuNet on the small island of Sirpalesaari in a restaurant Ravintola Saari and receive an email.

The email comes from Handelsblatt from Düsseldorf in which an employee tells me that by participating in the SWI study have proven us to be one of the best IT employers in Germany. It is Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at 4:54 p.m. I contact my business partner in Germany and ask him to buy today’s issue of Handelsblatt in order to read the study published there and the result for himself.

The study includes 1,528 surveyed IT companies of various sizes in Germany and was carried out by SWI Human Resources (SWI HR) on behalf of Handelsblatt. The aim of the study was to question the latest trends and challenges in the world of work.

In the online study 4PL intermodal was able to place itself on 23rd place out of the 1,528 companies surveyed according to the points ranking in the category 1-10 employees. In the evaluation of all company sizes, 4PL Intermodal is ranked 87th. Place and in the New Work category even 86. In the survey we were able to achieve 76.2 points out of a possible 100. We will receive a detailed analysis separately following internal use.

We are very pleased about the award because it is already the second one this year. Awardin this area. It encourages us to continually develop the current concept but also to continue our human resource strategy.

Your personal B2B contact

Nils Olaf Klabunde


Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.

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