Current status
on bookings
in real time

Delivery PlannerIMSLOT Modules
When it comes to scheduling, it is important to maintain an overview. Numerous transport steps with different intermodalities and infrastructures make smooth processes difficult. Delays mean the need for action. Dispatchers need reliable sources of information to be able to act in a targeted manner.
Current bookings are prepared in such a way that they can be used for collaborative planning across companies. The bookings visualize the individual process steps and show where action is required.
In the module Delivery Planner, we have succeeded in preparing the intermodal legs in such a way that the planned and actual order processing are effectively merged. Delays are highlighted. Increasingly, proposals are suggested among a wide range of options. This greatly reduces the amount of research dispatchers have to do on their shipments. Scheduling is collaborative and real-time with deployed and potential operators. This allows extensive booking volumes to be assessed very quickly for new situations and to be directly rescheduled.
Scheduling software helps to direct container and goods inventories so that all orders can be reliably completed. The increasingly complex day-to-day business often leaves companies too little time to deal intensively with precise planning and efficient scheduling.
Reducing effort and thus increasing the return on investment are decisive competitive advantages and often remain unused. The numerous different influencing factors can hardly be overviewed without software. Automated procurement not only reduces the workload, but also lowers costs and employee workload.
Delivery Planner is a solution to this heterogeneity and reshapes intermodal dispatching.