1st September 2021

IMSLOT integrates TX logistics and TFG truck orders

In IMSLOT, orders from freight forwarders and shipping companies are already processed fully automatically with intermodal providers. Order communication with the truck service providers for pre- and on-carriage is also part of the requirements for a modern platform architecture.

The orders of TX Logistik and TFG are provided by the platform system “Catkin”. IMSLOT collects the orders from these operators at timed intervals and distributes them to relevant clients after successful validation. Order communication includes the initial order, change management as well as cancellations. What seems complicated at first is proven in practice by the fact that each system must master the requirements of the subsequent systems. Due to the large number of system providers and their standards, it is also advantageous to promote communication between the platforms.

Your personal B2B contact

Nils Olaf Klabunde


Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.

    *The following information is voluntary. They help us to process your request faster and more precisely. Thanks very much!