“LogiMAT” 2024 – Intermodal automation
The LogiMAT trade fair is the German and European trade fair for intralogistics solutions and process management. The latest trends for Sustainability – AI – Ergonomics in the logistics sector are presented and discussed here.
4PL Intermodal was present on March 19-21, 2024 as part of the joint stand of YOUR GERMAN LOGISTICS. You can find more information about this initiativehere.

Your German Logistics is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport to market Germany as a logistics location worldwide.

4PL Intermodal presented its latest developments for intermodal transport logistics to the trade audience at the intersection with end customers. Automated solutions for transparency in the flow of goods and big data analysis to optimize your own transport planning under intermodal conditions.
Von den 62.343 Fachbesucher aus 90 Ländern kamen knapp 40% mit konkreten Investitionsvorhaben nach Stuttgart. 4PL Intermodal ist mit dem erstmaligen Messeauftritt in dieser Branche sehr zufrieden. Weitere Informationen zur Messe fnden Sie hier.
Your personal B2B contact

Nils Olaf Klabunde
Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.