Qualified booking receipts
4PL Intermodal maps the entire cycle of a booking via its booking portal IMSLOT; from the initiation (inquiry), to the booking, to the accompaniment in the handling of the physical process of the combined order with its digital stamps for the connected TMS systems.
Combined transport (especially maritime transport) is characterised by constant adaptation on the part of dispatchers. Customs information leads to order changes as well as, for example, capacity availability of the operators.
Any system, such as an IMSLOT portal as an additional source of information or an interface, is instructed to know the actual status of the processing. Intermodal customers need a reliable source of information about the actual planned and current course of the order.
IMSLOT has now introduced the qualified booking receipt. Service providers / operators involved in the portal inform their customers via an API interface in a standardized and real-time manner about the process from the point of view of the contractor’s dispatcher. All adjustments and train changes are communicated and assigned to the specific bookings in IMSLOT. Customers are then informed of changes via e-mail or dashboard communication.
The challenge in this project was to precisely describe the different scheduling processes ( on schedule / scheduling ) in the algorithm. Likewise, the guidance of the changes as well as the subsequent communication of the facts require special attention. In the further course of the project, changes to the submission date and contract-relevant billing information have also been included.
The qualified booking receipt makes the work much easier for the dispatchers involved. Trust in the service increases and conflicting goals can be resolved in a structured manner.
Your personal B2B contact

Nils Olaf Klabunde
Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.